Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Birthday of my Own

November 21, 2012
On this day in 1920, 
Doyel Lakin Cotton was born.
On this day in 1943, Doyel Lakin Cotton 
married Mary Ella Bullock.

On this day in 1947, 
Doyel Lakin Cotton and 
Mary Ella Bullock Cotton had their 3rd child, 
a baby they named 
Anne Ward Cotton, aka Me!

All those years growing up I felt my birthday was special.

And yet, I didn’t have MY Special Day. I always shared my birthday with Daddy. And Mama and Daddy’s Anniversary.

My sister, on the other hand, had HER birthday all to herself. Just HER day! All the cake was for her. All the presents were for her.

There were good things about sharing my day with Mama’s and Daddy’s special days.
It was like Christmas at our house on November 21st!
Lots of cake. Lots of celebration. Lots of presents. It was fun.
In the small town of Marion, SC, Bridgers Drugs Store gave you a Free Ice Cream Sundae on your birthday! So Daddy and I always went together, sat at the stools at the lunch counter and got our free sundaes! Just Daddy and me.
And it was always cool to see people’s reactions when they found out it was not only my birthday, but it was also Daddy’s birdthay, and Mama and Daddy’s Anniversary!

In 1994 things, changed. That Nov, 21st, there was no Anniversary celebration. But Daddy and I still wished each other Happy Birthday and shared the day.
1998 came and I finally had my birthday all to myself.
I finally had something I had always thought I wanted.

I still love my birthday. I’m happy I’m still here. I'm happy to see my son, Kelly growing into a man Mama and Daddy would be so proud of. Happy to get to see him marry Kristen who brightens Kelly's face and life.

But - I’d give almost anything to call Daddy on the phone and say, “Even though Brigders' Lunch Counter is no more, let’s go somewhere and get Ice Cream anyway and you can tell me all about what you’re giving  Mama for her Anniversary!”

Happy Anniversary Mama and Daddy!
Happy Birthday, Daddy!
Happy Birthday, Me. 

Daddy, who loved to spew discuss facts, said that a November 22nd Thanksgiving Day was the closest we could ever get to sharing our Birthday with Turkey Day!