Friday, February 1, 2013

Heart Felt

So - one of our choir members is a Special Ed teacher. Little ones. She announced at practice last week that she had lost something special to her and asked if we would please be looking for it.  It was a felt heart that had special meaning to her.  She also mentioned giving a felt heart to a guest speaker to her classroom as a thank you.
I thought a minute and the light bulb came on. "Oh! A Felt Heart.  Heartfelt Thanks!"
"Yes!", she exclaimed.

The next Sunday, nobody had yet found her missing heart.

That rolled around in my brain for a day or so. Having never done it, I looked online for ideas then, Tuesday I bought some red felt. Tuesday night and Wednesday, I worked on creating a Felt Heart. 
I decided to put a clasp on hers so she could keep it clipped to purse or keychain.

Here's my first Felt Heart.

I wrapped it and took it to Wednesday night choir practice.
On the gift card I wrote:
It Won’t replace 
the one you lost
But this little heart
Has it’s own latch
To you it will always
Stay attached!
“C” is for Children
You nurture 
to bloom

She seemed surprised and pleased.

So - now I'd learned a new craft and decided to make a few more for my girlfriends February meet up.
I tried to think about each gal and find buttons and trim to represent something about her.

Here are my Heartfelt Valentines.

For my pie-baking, Ruby and Cobalt Collecting friend who leaves PA for three months of the year because she Loves the Beach! (Three hearts, Three sons)

 For my crafting, hobbyist, sea turtle loving friend who dreamed of retiring near the Water and Did it.
(I couldn't find a turtle button so had to "build" one.) 

 For my Sustah who loves her doggies even though they drive her crazy sometimes.
The bottom two buttons are a touch of family. The "pearl" button and the little red button at the point both came from "The Button Jar" handed down from Mama and Daddy.

 For my transplanted California, Arizona, Wisconsin and more Friend who crafts, collects dishware, used to raise chickens, grows great tomatoes and loves to research family histories! Not to mention being a pioneer woman, herself! 

 For my young South Carolina Beach Girl friend who loves her shades, her flip flops and sand between her toes!

I had a great time thinking about and searching for things that remind me of each friend.

There's nothing in the world like a Girlfriend when you need 
to laugh
to cry
to complain 
to be silly
to celebrate the large and small things that make up