Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Somebody Make It Stop!!!

Somebody Make It Stop!!!

I don't know what I've done to cause such a Curse, but Mea Culpa!!
Please Forgive me!  Tell me what I have to do! Walk three circles around my house backwards? Go outside in my nightie? (Oh. Wait. That would be a curse on other people. Never mind.) Chop down a tree? What? What?

1) Dishwasher - originally slated for delivery/install on the 18th. Didn't have the "right kind" of shut off valve. We were asked if we had a shut off valve. Why, yes, we do. Did. Not till the dishwasher was off the truck was I told we didn't have the 3+4+the square root of 473 type valve. Pffft. Was pushed to today. Called to check. No record of it being scheduled. "We can deliver on the 29th." What?!!! I have no dishwasher now that you made me change the shutoff valve???!!   And it's CHRISTMAS??!!
Used my teacher voice and Finally got that baby scheduled for tomorrow. (Fingers crossed that that's not just some cruel joke.)

Shiny New Dishwasher. Bought and Paid for. Still not delivered and installed.
Old - no longer working after the plumbing
requested by Home Depot.

2) Kitchenaid Mixer flat blade started peeling.

Not wanting to poison family and friends, I requested a replacement. Already horrified that they wouldn't 2 day ship, I called today to check on the 5-7 days and - no record of that either. Standard crap: "We apologize that you have not received your shipment, we are experiencing some delays due to high holiday volume and a newly installed shipping system.   We anticipate your order will ship in the next 2-3 weeks.  Again, please accept our apology for the inconvenience this has caused". Really? You didn't expect shipping delays? In December??  Inconvenience??!! Don't these people understand that I BAKE in DECEMBER??!!  What a novel concept.

3) Washing dishes tonight (By hand. Remember? No dishwasher.) and my "unbreakable Corningware" soup bowl cracks into a few dozen pieces and shards.

What it SHOULD look like.

Did I mention, Unbreakable?
*Sigh*  Somebody help me!

I'm afraid to get up in the morning.
But I must. Hopefully, I will be having a Droopy Dawg barking his fool head off at the delivery truck pulling up in the driveway.

Lord help me if he's just barking at the neighbor walking his dogs!
I may just crawl in a corner and have a meltdown.

Bah Humbug.
Lord Willin' and the Crick don't Rise, I'll be able to turn on the Christmas music again without wanting to throw the TV across the room tomorrow!

Seriously. If somebody has a magic potion to ward off curses, for the love of all things Mistletoe, CALL ME!!